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Notes Organizer Deluxe

Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, Vista, Windows Servers

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comment about software: "In my work I have used some powerful and often complicated database programs, but when looking for a database to handle some very specific, personal data management needs, the Organizer Deluxe suite took the cake. It starts with a fast, easy-to-learn user interface. I was up and running, entering, sorting, searching, and filtering data in mere minutes. Once I had the basics down, I easily moved into more advanced features such as adding new fields, removing some fields, and moving fields to different pages in the record form. As questions came up, I found answers to most in the Help, manual, or online FAQs. I am impressed with the fantastic set of both basic and advanced features available in the Organizer Deluxe programs. In addition, the feedback I received from the Organizer Deluxe team during my evaluation period was great. Thanks! A. Singer, New Mexico USA"
comment about software: Thank you for the quick response. Just wanted to let you know that I did go ahead and purchase a license for myself. I was very impressed with the Note Organizer Deluxe application. I've chosen it over the Fruitful Time Manager application and the TaskMerlin application.

I love the reports, sorting options, and the wonder filter options.

I think you guys are great, so please continue to feed my habit for organized notes with updates to this great product.

Many thanks.

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