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Vendor Organizer Deluxe

Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, Vista, Windows Servers

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comment about software: "By the way, I love your product, a super simple way to manage single file databases. "
comment about software: "I would like to mention that your oganizer is the best of which I have seen on the market. The user friendliness, and workable fields makes it worth it's price, and a great tool. "
comment about software: "Very nice job. Your database software passes the Zippo test (works first time out of the box, doesn't need an instruction manual, and never fails to light). As a programmer, I realise that we are nothing more than tool-makers. But crafting fine software tools takes considerable experiance, knowledge, and hard work. You've made a tool to be proud of. "
comment about software: "Also...what a relief to finally find your product(s)! I can see that Organizer Deluxe is wonderful and can save hours of time for small business users. I'm going to recommend the Organizer software to many small businesses as an alternative to complicated database program choices. "
comment about software: "Very Thorough...I couldn't come up with a better dBase on my own, you thought of everything right down to scanning the covers of things to insert into the dBase. That's important if you ever have to deal with an insurance company should something get lost ! or stolen! I don't spend this much money on Shareware, normally, so you folks are doing something right! "
comment about software: "Next, organization: Get a database right from the outset and learn to use it because, as I learned from experience, you soon forget essential details like where it came from, the rights you have in regards to that one, where to download it again if it gets corrupted, and any special conditions attached to the use of the ebook or software. A good database that is simple to use and comes with tons of free templates is at It's called Database Deluxe. "

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