Help, how to topics > Circulations > How to process check in/out without barcode scanner and/or barcode labels?

This topic explains:

  • how to set check in/out lookup option
  • how to select borrower and item from lookup lists

How to process check in and check out transactions without barcode scanner and/or no barcode labels on your equipment or tools?

To make this method practical we suggest to enter equipment and tool titles in the following way:

  • The first word should contain category or brand name that can be used in the drop down search.
  • For example if you have 8-10 cameras, try to enter "Camera" at the beginning of the ITEM_NAME field. Then in the lookup field enter three first letters "cam", the drop-down box will display only items that start with "Cam".
  • Review items that you have in your inventory and decide what will be the best way to enter names into the ITEM_NAME field that supports flexible search and selection.

set inventory check in out lookup option

In the Options/Check In-Out window select Display Item/Borrower Name Lookup Dropdowns. Click Save.

The borrower and item lookup boxes are displayed in the check in/out transaction window.

check in out, use lookup drop down boxes

Name Lookup (1) is displayed in the borrower section. Entering a character into the Borrower lookup box will result in the immediate action: displays borrower's names that start with letters entered. To select the name click on the name.

Item Lookup (2) is displayed in the Item section. Entering a character into the Item lookup box will result in the immediate action: displays item's titles that start with letters entered. To select the item click on the title or use arrow keys to move up and down and click Enter.

Too many letters entered into the box? Use Back (Backspace) keyboard button to move one letter back.

lookup mode, borrower item selected

Click Check Out to execute transaction.

The lookup feature provides flexible and fast way of executing check out and check in transactions without using barcode technology.

Home / Equipment Tool Tracking Software / Handy Equipment/Tool Manager / Tutorials: How to set a circulation lookup option?

We offer Handy Library Manager application for libraries that includes the same check-in/check-out functionality. In addition, you can find more how-to and sample topics in the Handy Library-Check In/Out help section.

 library software packages (included with handy e-t software):

school library
church library
non-profit org. library
business library
community library
small public library

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