Organizer Advantage is powerful yet easy to use database manager for Windows.
Advantage Designer lets you modify our solutions or easily create new ones.
Take control of your data with our simple or buinsess database software solutions.

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easy-to-use database manager and database designer for Windows


QueryEdit data fields display the result of the SQL Query. The QueryEdit field does not store the value in the table, this field is dynamic, and the value is recalculated for the selected record.

For the selected record the QueryEdit data field lets you display simple data or calculated data from another table through the use of the SQL query and the common field.

The program lets you display the value of this field on the record form and in reports. You cannot display this field on the grid, in custom views, statistics, or use it in the search and the sort functions.

Use this field type in a complex database solution that has several tables with related data. For example, use it when in one table you want to display processed, related data from another table.

If you want to use a queryedit field in your table:

  • Create QueryEdit field type
  • Define SQL query, MasterDetail attributes
  • Note: MasterDetail, Calculated, and QueryEdit fields are virtual (dynamic) data fields, those fields are placed at the end of the table structure by the Designer, regardless of your field definition order.

In the below database sample there are two tables: STUDENTS and COURSE_LOG.

  • STUDENTS table stores information about students, there is STUDENT_ID field that is used as the common field.
  • STUDENTS table displays the Summary tab with the following data fields: NUMBER_OF_COURSES, CREDIT_HOURS, TOTAL_PAYMENT, GPA, all those fields are examples of QueryEdit fields.
  • COURSE_LOG table stores information about student’s registered courses, payments, credit hours, and grades. STUDENT_ID data field is the common field.

For the selected student the program executes SQL queries and displays results:

queryedit, sql query field, organizer students

Course registration record, sample entry:

queryedit, sql query field, organizer course registration log

NUMBER_OF_COURSES; field definition sample:

queryedit, sql query field, organizer students, number of courses

CREDIT_HOURS; field definition sample:

queryedit, sql query field, organizer students, total credit hours

TOTAL_PAYMENT; field definition sample:

queryedit, sql query field, organizer students, total payment

GPA; field definition sample:

queryedit, sql query field, organizer students, gpa


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