Organizer Advantage is powerful yet easy to use database manager for Windows.
Advantage Designer lets you modify our solutions or easily create new ones.
Take control of your data with our simple or buinsess database software solutions.

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Designer Help > Database, Table Panel > Create Database

easy-to-use database manager and database designer for Windows

Create Database

In Organizer Advantage a database is an organized collection of data stored in one or several tables. Depending on the license you purchased you can have one database, two databases, or an unlimited number of databases.

Click Create Database (1) on the Database toolbar and enter your new database name in the Enter Database Name (2) window.

What happens after a new database is created?

  • the program creates the database file in the all databases folder
  • the program creates the folder where all table definitions, setup files, and all other table’s related files are stored

Create new database:

designer, create database, start

Select new database:

designer, create database, enter name

New empty database:

designer, create database, created


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