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  / Olympic Organizer Deluxe / Tour Page: 3. Search, replace

  • Organizer Deluxe software is becoming obsolete and is replaced by PIM Home Organizer Advantage, a new database management software.
  • We recommend our new software to all PC users with Windows 11, 10, or the latest version.
  • We still provide support to all users of our Organizer Deluxe Series, but we do not plan to release significant updates.
  • Click here to review, download, install, and evaluate our new PIM Home Organizer Advantage Database software.

3. Search, replace

The Local Search function helps you to locate Olympic records that contain the piece of data you are looking for. With this software, you are able to locate a piece of text in any field with the capability of moving to the next Olympic record filling your search criteria.

Olympic software search

The Replace function helps you to replace the entire or the part of the field's content with a new value. This function is useful for users who want to make global changes on the selected field in the entire database.

Olympic software replace

Additional search features: incremental search, search online, find duplicates, non-stop search.

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