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File Names with the computer system date

How to define a file name or a wildcard with the System Date

Very often the system date is included within the file name.
b) 20032212file.doc
d) *01_22_2003.*


You can change your file names in the following ways.

  1. In the Transfer Manager window select the transfer item and click on the Edit push button. It opens the Transfer Item dialog box.
  2. Method A: Edit the file names in the Local Filename and Remote Filename edit boxes: Delete the date part and enter a keyword that represents the system date. The keyword should start and end with a bracket. Within brackets use small letters:
      < start bracket
      mm for months
      dd for days
      yyyy for years
      > end bracket
    For the files listed above the final form will be:     backup<mm-dd-yyyy>.zip
    20032212file.doc     <yyyyddmm>file.doc     backup<=mm=dd=yyyy=>.zip
    *01_22_2003.*     *<mm_dd_yyyy>.*
  3. Method B: Insert the system date automatically and edit the local and remote file names. Click inside the filename to position the cursor. Click on the Use System Date push button. It inserts the system date string in the form: <mm-dd-yyyy>. Change this format manually to the form that corresponds to your file name(s) (Local and Remote filenames).

    System Date + 1 or - 1 buttons show how to add or subtract a number from the system date. You can change "1" to some other number. Example: backup<mm-dd-yyyy$-2>.zip (it will transfer the file created 2 days ago)
  4. Click on the OK button when your new files (local and remote) are modified. In the Transfer Manager click with right mouse button on the transfer item and select Quick View. Check if the transfer parameters are correct (system date keyword is replaced with the today's values). Click on the Save button if you want to use this transfer item in your scheduled transfers.

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