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Junior Organizer Deluxe

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Ready to use junior membership management solutions: Junior manager comes with database templates that are ready to use right away. Databases: junior members, day planner, payments, events, contacts, requests. Junior database templates.

Customize or create junior database easily: You can start using Junior Organizer with the database templates included in the software package. If the template already created is not exactly what you are looking for you can easily create a new one with Database Designer.

Data fields included in the solution: Main database solution contains the following database fields: date joined, member name, member status and type, school, grade, member id, birthday, gender, member address, phone numbers, grouping fields, skill fields, family information, relations, member health insurance, emergency contacts, medical data, payments, picture, and more ...

Search, replace: The database Search function helps you to locate junior membership records that contain the piece of data you are looking for. With this software, you are able to locate a piece of text in any field with the capability of moving to the next junior record filling your search criteria.

Print labels: Print Label Wizard lets you print selected junior fields on any label. There are already templates for all American and European Avery label formats. Print Label Wizard supports the most popular bar code types.

Print reports: Report wizard lets you create quality, professionally looking documents, junior reports, junior summaries, membership lists, phone and email lists, and more. You can save settings to a template for future reuse.

Enter, modify data: Standard record view pages allow you to easily enter, modify records and generate data specific commands (send email, dial phone number, select item from the list, ..).

Browser viewer: View your junior information in virtually any way using browser viewer and html templates.

Table viewer: View and process your junior data in rows and columns using table viewer.

Junior images: Junior Organizer allows you easily and quickly organize and manage all your junior digital images.

Filter junior records: You can limit the number of records displayed in the software. You can specify a criterion for one or more fields. The more criteria for the filter you specify, the better chance of obtaining the range of records that interest you. filter database

Sort junior records: The program organizes and displays the junior data efficiently, so that the information is readily accessible in a variety of ways. Sort your junior database on any field, e.g. on junior name, company, category, type...

Summary, graph, statistics: A summary of records in the database can give you some insight into distribution of your junior data. Displaying a Graph can make it easier to grasp the overall picture and uncover trends in your junior data. database summary

Backup databases: There is a set of useful functions that allow you to protect your junior data.

Personalize, customize: Extensive options allow you to set your personal preferences. All settings are easily accessible from one page.

HTML wizard: The Organizer's HTML wizard lets you create a set of linked web pages containing anything from simple junior reports to professionally designed web catalogs.

Network (multi-user environment): Organizers Deluxe can be used on a network in a multi-user environment. Borland Database Engine (BDE) or, more specifically its DBase component, is used for database access.

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