Organizer Advantage is powerful yet easy to use database manager for Windows.
Advantage Designer lets you modify our solutions or easily create new databases.
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Advantage Help > Statistics, Custom Views

easy-to-use database manager and database designer for Windows

Statistics, Custom Views

Organizer Advantage offers Statistics and Custom Views features for displaying results from user defined SQL queries. This is an advanced feature and basic knowledge of Firebird SQL query language is required. Use Statistics to display numerical analysis and use Custom Views for displaying text results.

Custom Views

Custom View functions help you to customize the way you display and analyze your data. You can display results from one, two, or several tables.


A summary of records in the database can give you some insight into the distribution of your data. For example, a summary by a Category will tell you how many records there are in each Category. Displaying a Graph can make it easier to grasp the overall picture and uncover trends in your data.

We help to create simple custom views and statistics to users who have valid support. The Statistics and Custom View feature allows you to benefit from the full potential of the SQL language.

The Statistics and Custom Views are listed in the Miscellaneous toolbar section.

statistics, custom views 

The predefined statistics and views are accessed from the statistics and views dropdown boxes in the Main toolbar section.

statistics, predefined custom views

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