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Advantage Help > Tabbed Toolbars > Search, Advanced Search, Replace Toolbars

easy-to-use database manager and database designer for Windows

Tabbed Toolbars / Search, Advanced, Replace


The search is listed in the search toolbar section. The Search in addition to the quick search options provides predefined search conditions: exact phrase, at least one word, all words, none of the words.

organizer advantage, tabbed toolbars, search

Advanced Search

The advanced search is listed in the advanced search toolbar section. The Advanced Search gives users the power of SQL queries in a simple to use interface. You can build simple or complex search queries. You can save advanced search queries for future use. They are easily accessible in the quick filter feature.

organizer advantage, tabbed toolbars, advanced search


The replace is listed in the replace toolbar section. The Replace function helps you replace the entire field's content or part of the field's content with a new value. Use this function with caution. It will check all currently displayed records. Make sure you selected the desired set of records using the Advanced Search function. The replace process cannot be undone.

organizer advantage, tabbed toolbars, replace

Learn more about search, advanced search, and replace.

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