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Customer database with profiles and documents tracking

customer tracking database with profiles and document tracking

We are looking for a customer database software which of course would allow us to create customer profiles. We would like to be able to search the software by name or address or any other key word that the profile contains. We would also like to be able to scan and upload documents into each customer profile. Does one of your current software programs do all of these things? I am wondering about address organizer deluxe 4.1 or address organizer advantage 1.2. Thanks very much!! Tracy

Your suggestion looks like it would work well for our customer database requirements. There would be an undefined # of documents/photos uploaded to each customer profile. What would an approximate cost be to have you create this custom solution for us?

We would like to have the software on a tablet and a PC. Is it possible to data enter on one of these and share with the other? Does this make sense? :)

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customer database, customer profiles, customer documents, customer tracking, custom customer database, customer tracking app for Windows


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