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Advantage Help > Labels > How To > How to create spine and barcode labels?

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How to create spine and barcode labels

In this print label sample we will show how to define a simple library spine and a library barcode label. The spine label will include a book category followed by a call number. The barcode label will include a barcode, a barcode number followed by a book title (or your library name).

Open Organizer Advantage with the BOOKCATALOG table. Select New Label in the Labels list box.

book catalog, create spine and barcode labels

In the Print Labels window click on the Data Fields tab (1). The New Labels window always opens with 3 preselected data fields (2), to remove them click the double Red Arrow icon (3).

book catalog, define spine label, remove fields

Scroll down and up in the All Fields (1) box and select the following data fields: CATEGORY, CALL. Select CATEGORY in the All Fields box. Then, click the Green Arrow icon (2) to include the field in the Included Fields (3) box. Select $SPACE (4) and click the Green Arrow icon (2), it defines empty line. Select CALL in the All Fields box. Next, click the Green Arrow icon to include the field in the Included Fields box. Click the Quick Preview button (5) to review changes.

book catalog, define spine label, select data fields
book catalog, define spine labe, select CALL

On the Labels page (1) select Specialized (2) and Spine8x7 (3) (it defines label template for Demco spine label). Click the Quick Preview button (4) to review changes.

book catalog, create spine label, select spine label template

Click the Preview Labels button to review all labels. You can click the Save Labels button to save the label for future use.

book catalog, create spine label, preview labels

Barcode labels

On the Fields page select BARCODE and TITLE data fields.

book catalog, create barcode labels, select fields

On the Labels page select Avery 5160. Click the Quick Preview button to review changes. The label displays the barcode number and the book title.

book catalog, create barcode labels, select barcode label type

On the Barcode page, select BARCODE in the Bar Code Field box (1), select CODE39 in the Bar Code Type box (2), and set 3 in the Bar Code Height box (3). Click the Quick Preview button (4) to review changes. You can click the Save Labels button to save the label settings for future use.

book catalog, create barcode label, define barcode type, code 39

Enter label template name in the Labels Name box, enter label description in the Labels Description box, click Save.

book catalog, create barcode label, save label template

Instead of the item title you can include your library name on a label. Remove the Title field, enter your library name (1), and define position (2) in the Header/Footer section.

book catalog, create barcode label with library name

New predefined label templates are listed in the Labels list box (spine and barcode labels).

book catalog, select spine or barcode label, main window

When you select the predefined label it will automatically load all settings into the Print Labels window.

book catalog, print labels with the predefined label

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