Organizer Advantage is powerful yet easy to use database manager for Windows.
Advantage Designer lets you modify our solutions or easily create new databases.
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Advantage Help > Labels

easy-to-use database manager and database designer for Windows

Print Labels

The Print Labels window allows you to create label reports. You can set various label report options, preview label reports on the screen, and finally print labels on the selected printer. If you select PDF drive you can save the report as a pdf document. You can save all report settings into the label report template and use it later. With Organizer Advantage you can quickly print the following labels: address labels, name tags, inventory tags, inventory barcodes, spine labels, folder names, library barcode labels, and more.

All records displayed in the currently opened table will be included on the label report. To limit the number of records on the report define advanced search, apply a previously defined filter, or select the print scope in the print label window.

Many label templates are ready to use with Avery and Compatible labels.

On the label you can include text, numbers, images, and barcodes.

organizer advantage, label window, label sample

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