Handy Library Manager  application for Windows


Help, how to topics > Libraries Asking Questions > Non-Profits > What does it mean to have one location library license?

What does it mean to have one location library license?

What does it mean to have one location license? Do we need a license to operate? what if we don't pay the $200 fee and is it in addition to the $345? We are a nonprofit and looking at applying for a grant. We cannot afford to keep adding to our cost. We need to have a one time payment. Thank you.

One location license gives you unlimited use within on location. - software can be installed on the server computer with unlimited access from desktop computers on the network (data entry, data editing, data search) - software can be installed on multiple computers to organize the same or different libraries (data entry at home, regular library, office document library, textbook library, equipment library, ....)

You do not need to purchase one location unlimited license to manage your library. You can just purchase Handy Library Manager for $345.00 (one time payment). It supports all library management features. This license provides library search modules, there is no limit on the number of library members that will use search modules.

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