Organizer Advantage is powerful yet easy to use database manager for Windows.
Advantage Designer lets you modify our solutions or easily create new databases.
Take control of your data with our simple or buinsess database software solutions.

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Advantage Help > Labels > Organize, Save, Delete Labels

easy-to-use database manager and database designer for Windows

Print Labels / Save Labels

If you think you may want to use the label report in the future save the report as a template by clicking on the Save Labels button. Later you can reuse the saved label report by clicking on the Label list and selecting the template name.

You can save the label report name and the label report description.

organizer advantage, label window, save label settings

Print Labels / Organize Labels

All predefined label reports are listed in the Organize Labels window. Label templates are grouped by data source category (tables, views, statistics).

You can change the description or modify the order. You can delete templates from the list. List the most frequently used labels at the top of the list.

organizer advantage, label window, organize labels

Saved labels are accessed from the Main toolbar.

organizer advantage, label window, labels are accessed from main window

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