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Advantage Help > Import, Export > Export Sample

Export Sample

How to export data from Organizer Advantage to a spreadsheet program?

You can export your data to a text file. You can export all records or only those selected by a search or advanced search.

The text file will list all exported records in the following way:
- each record without memo fields (multiline edit boxes) will be listed in one line
- data fields will be delimited by tabs, commas, quotes or another user defined character
- memo fields will be delimited by user defined character (if you are trying to move data to another database application, check if the application supports complex import). We do not suggest exporting memo fields.

The Export function can be accessed from the Miscellaneous toolbar.

export sample, export command

When in the Export window select Export to Text File.

export sample, choose format

Select field from the All Fields box and use the green button with one green arrow to add the selected field to fields included in export. Click Next to define delimiters and other export settings.

export sample, select data fields

Save Export Settings As Template
Load Export Settings From Template
Save function saves the selected Export/Import settings to a template file. Load allows the user to re-load a previously saved template.

We suggest using TAB as a field separator.

export sample, select delimiter separator

Enter or select the export destination file in the Export To File box. Click OK to continue. The program saves the file in the following folder: C:/adv_your_solution/data/db/expimp/

export sample, select destination file
export sample, enter destination file name

Open the file in the Notepad. Review the content. Click Edit/Select All.

export sample, open in notepad

Click Edit/Copy. Start Excel.

export sample, copy from notepad

Method 1, use Copy/Paste: Use the Paste command (Optionally you can click with the right mouse button on the table and select the Paste command from the popup menu). Data is displayed in the table.

export sample, paste into spreadsheet

Result: your exported records are displayed in the spreadsheet application.

export sample, sample data in excel

Method 2, use Open: You can open the text file in the spreadsheet application. Use Open command in Excel. Select Text Files from the Open window. Locate and double click on the text file that you want to open.

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