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Advantage Help > Add Data > Copy-Paste Record

Add Data / Use Copy-Paste Record

If the new record is similar to the already entered record you can use the copy/paste feature and enter or modify some values.

Using the Copy and Paste utility will help you create new records by duplicating existing records.

To duplicate the selected record:

  1. Position yourself in the Table of Contents.
  2. Use the right mouse button to invoke the pop-up menu.
  3. From the pop-up menu select Copy Record. organizer advantage, enter data, copy record command from the grid
  4. Click on the New record button.
  5. Right-click on that empty record to invoke the pop-up menu again.
  6. Select Paste Record from the pop-up menu. organizer advantage, enter data, paste record into the new one
  7. Click the Save button to save the new record.
  8. Result: an identical copy of the original record was created, and appended to the database. organizer advantage, enter data, copy of the same record is created

The Copy Record and Paste Record commands are also accessed from the record form popup menu.

organizer advantage, enter data, add-data-copy-paste-record-02

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