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Advantage Help > Tabbed Toolbars > Miscellaneous Toolbar

easy-to-use database manager and database designer for Windows

Tabbed Toolbars / Miscellaneous

The Miscellaneous toolbar offers you access to the set of advanced functions. Some of those functions are listed on the main toolbar.

organizer advantage, tabbed toolbars, miscellaneous

Print Reports: create reports, set report options, preview reports, and finally print reports.
Print Labels: create labels, set labels options, preview labels, and finally print labels.
HTML Reports: print one or more records using a View HTML Template. It is a convenient way to print invoices, quotes, letters and other types of mail-merge documents.

Statistics: analyze your data, define stat templates. How to define a new stat?
Custom Views: customize the way the data is displayed, define view templates. How to define a new View?
HTML Wizard: generate complex html report, publish data to the web.

Export: export displayed records to another file. How to export?
Import: add data from spreadsheets or text formatted files. How to import?
Auto-Catalog: add data from the formatted search results. For example you can add data from the Library Of Congress search results using ISBN search.

Process Records
Copy Record(s): copy records to another table.
Move Record(s): move records to another table.
Delete Record(s): delete displayed records.

Copy Table: copy a table from the selected database to the currently opened database.
Append from DB: copy data between tables.

Options: set program options.

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