Handy Library Manager  application for Windows


Help, how to topics > Libraries Asking Questions > Non-Profits > Retirement community looking for library system.

Basic information if software meets our needs

We are a retirement community library that has about 4000 titles. In our library we would like to set it up with a scanner, printer to print out receipt with due date, on-line catalog card catalog including showing what books are checked out. Is it possible to put books on hold? Can we print out library use reports? We have a standalone library computer and would like to be able to provide your Handy Library Manager on-line catalogue to all residents at no charge. Is this possible? What requirements do you need for the computer? Windows 10

To maintain your library system with 4000 items, to support all library functionality you need a PC with Windows. It will support scanner transactions, reports, receipts, labels, and many other library features.
In this case our system is the Windows application, when it's installed on the regular PC it does not provide any online (web) functionality.
On-line catalog: to put the catalog online it's not an easy task. To accomplish this the organization needs Window Web Server computer and IT personnel that would configure the installation and the setup. Our system supports web functionality.

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