Handy Library Manager  application for Windows


Help, how to topics > Libraries Asking Questions > Prison Questions > A small library with an old-fashioned library wants to implement new library system.

A small library with an old-fashioned library wants to implement new library system.

I am looking for some information on upgrading our library. We are a small correctional institution with a pretty old-fashioned library. We are renovating our library over the summer with new shelving and furniture and are looking to upgrade our card catalog, inventory, and barcode check out system. Right now we have a paper/pencil checkout system. Right now our library holds approximately 2,500 books, but we are looking to add more. Can you please give me some info on your products and pricing? The software should be easy to operate.

We offer an easy-to-use Windows software, Handy Library Manager. The software is very often operated by volunteers or beginner librarians.
There are several prison library purchase packages, price range is from $345 up to $612.95.
Please review what library equipment do I need to manage small library.

I am interested in your software. I am the library manager for a small prison library and right now we are using Winnebago Spectrum software for our collection management and circulation. Currently, we have 4,600 item records and 3,120 patrons. Not all of the patron records would be added because our facility only houses 1,700 so many of those patrons have paroled and are no longer on the compound.

The way the software is configured we have one computer that is the administrator for the program and the other is the client. The administrator must be running for the client to work but the client does not need to be running for the administrator to work.

We offer Windows software, Handy Library Manager. You can install it on the administrator computer and access from the client.

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