Bar code has a good size, easy to scan. Label includes: bar code, number, title, author, call. Good for very small libraries. This template is predefined in Handy Library Manager.
Library supplies, our online compilation of products, review prices: barcode labels, spine labels, bar code scanners
You can print bar codes on labels in the same format (or compatible types). You can download a pdf file with 2000 labels.
Question: We are looking into different Library systems for our small elementary school. Our teachers need the Lexile information on the book spine. Is it possible for the Lexile number to be printed on the label?
Answer: You can use this label type and layout.
Question: I was thinking of putting our library name at the bottom of the label after the title and bar code, but it doesn't seem to show up no matter what number I put in the field for height. Maybe there's just not enough room? Any tips on that?
Answer: Select this label type. It has enough room for barcode, title, and library name.
Handy Library Manager 4.4, review new features
Labels Printing Software for Windows
Library Web Search, review new web search
Library Search 4.0, review new desktop search
Getting started library video lessons
How to include library name on labels
Library, Data Entry Form Designer
Edit item or borrower data in the check-in/check-out window?
Link item lost fine with the PRICE data field?
Handy v3.2 supports letter tabs?
How to predefine library email messages?
How to update library data from the web with ISBN?
How to predefine library email messages?
Compilation of questions and answers from library requests will help you to make purchase decision.
How to verify if the item is checked out in the library main catalog window?
How to create a new record using Copy Selected Item?
Special Library, how to manage digital and paper document library?
What is the maximum number of library items?
Library Software for Small Libraries, Windows application
Handy Library Manager
small library software
library tour
library features
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