Handy Library Manager
 for Windows

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Handy Library Search, (new in version 4.0)

Handy Library Manager installs on your computer with a free search application. The free app lets your library members search the library catalog without launching the main administrator program. Handy Library Manager version 4.0 includes a new version of the search module.

You can start the Search app from the Handy Library Main program, the Windows Start menu, Windows File Explorer (c:\handy_lib\search.exe), or define the search icon on the desktop.

Handy Library Search

Three search tabs (1) support different methods of search: simple search, advanced search, browse.

Choose what data fields users can search (2), which fields represent the keyword search, and how results will be listed on the grid (3) and in the view panel (4).

Use the letter bar (5) to display the result section where records start with the selected letter.

To change the order, click on the column header (6).

To define a new sort, click on the Clear Order icon (7) and click on column headers (6).

You can start the Search app from the Handy Library Main program, the Windows Start menu, Windows File Explorer (search.exe), or define the search icon on the desktop.

You can only access the Options function (8) when you launch the application from the Handy Library Manager software.

Library Search, General

  • Default Search (1): define which tab is on the top when starting the app.
  • Default Sort (2): define the sort of the results displayed on the grid.
  • View Template (3): choose the template that defines the display format of the selected item.
  • Search Module Style: Define the search module's style (font, background, button colors).

Simple Search

In the simple search, there are four buttons (1) that you can link to data fields (1). The click on the button starts the search in the pre-defined search field.

Advanced Search

The advanced search, lets you define several search conditions and link them with AND and OR operators. You can limit the number of fields included in the Search By box (1). In addition, you can decide which data fields will be included in the keyword search (2).

Browse Search

The browsing mode allows users to display all library items or groups of items for the selected author, subject, or user-defined data field (1).

You can click on the list and select the item from the list, or you can enter two or three starting letters into the box and then use the up and down arrow keys to select the required item. To display the result, press the Enter key.

Grid Layout

Check the box in front of the field to include the field on the grid (1). To change the column width, click on the number in front of the field name to activate the entry box (2), then you can enter a new value. To change the order of the columns, select the field and click on the Move Up and Move Down buttons (3).

launch library search and access search options

Handy Library Search App

You can only access the Options function when you launch the library search application from the Handy Library Manager.

Question: As an administrator, how can I add ways for users to search? Example: As administrator, I can search "all subjects" which gives a greater number of results than when searching "subjects" as a user. I'd like users to have access to that "all subjects" search.

Open the Search App from the Handy Library Manager. In the Library Search App, click the Options button and define the "Keyword" fields for Advanced Search.

Question: We would like a search feature where students can search by topic. Our school is an early childhood education center through grade 5, so having that topical search ability is important.

Input book topic information into the SUBJECTS field. Then, perform a SUBJECTS search in the Simple Search.

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