Handy Library Manager
 for Windows

Help, how to topics > Specialized Libraries > Handy Library, prison version, summary of changes.

Handy Library Manager, prison version
 for Windows

Prison version (compilation) summary:

  • Includes all library management features
  • Help buttons link to help topics installed on the computer
  • Library Main Catalogue table: Add/Edit form has only three data entry/display pages; there are 26 data fields out of 69
  • Borrowers table: Add/Edit form has only 1 data entry/display page; there are 12 data fields out of 31
  • Borrowers table: some data fields have new names
  • Quick Add form is not displayed (hidden)
  • Quick Edit form is not displayed (hidden)
  • Web Auto-Cataloging by ISBN is not displayed (hidden)
  • No Edit Borrower and Edit Item buttons in the Check In/Out module

Things to know before you review the below tables:

  • FIELD NAME: the name of the field in the database table.
  • FIELD NUMBER: Every field has a unique number. The program uses this number in the “.FRM” files. The FRM files define the content of the Add/Edit forms.
  • ENTRY TYPE: This type of data you can enter into the data entry box (Add/Edit forms).
  • CONTROL: Some data entry boxes provide additional features to speed up data entry (LIST – select value from a drop-down list box, DATE – displays calendar).
  • STATUS (Restricted): The “Restricted” status indicates that you cannot rename the field. The application uses the field.
  • SEARCH: When you try to customize the form or data fields, we suggest using all the fields used by the search tab.
  • Add/Edit Form: The add/edit forms allow users to add a new record (library item or borrower) or modify the old one.
  • Included /Page #: Fields included on the add/edit form have “Yes”; the number indicates the page number.
  • New Name: libraries enter a different type of information; for example, prison library will enter other data about borrowers than the school library


Handy Library Manager
regular version
Handy Library Manager
prison version

field name

field position

entry type



Add/Edit Form
Included / Page #

Add/Edit Form
Included / Page # / New Name

IDNO 1 Unique Restricted Yes / 1 Yes / 1
TITLE 2 Text Yes Yes / 1 Yes / 1
AUTHOR 3 Text Yes Yes / 1 Yes / 1
TYPE 4 Text (LIST) Yes Yes / 1 Yes / 1
COAUTHORS 5 Memo Yes / 1 Yes / 1
PUBLISHER 6 Text (LIST) Yes / 1 Yes / 1
PUBLISHED 7 Text Yes / 1 Yes / 1
PLACE 8 Text (LIST) Yes / 1 Yes / 1
SERIES 9 Text (LIST) Yes / 1 Yes / 1
EDITION 10 Text Yes / 1
CATEGORY 11 Text (LIST) Yes Yes / 1 Yes / 1
LEVEL 12 Text (LIST) Yes / 1
FORMAT 13 Text (LIST) Yes / 1
EDITOR 14 Text Yes / 2
ILLUSTRATOR 15 Text Yes / 2
PAGES 16 Text Yes / 2
PHYSICAL 17 Text Yes / 2
DEWEY 18 Text Yes / 2
LCCN 19 Text Yes / 2
ISBN 20 Text Yes Yes / 2 Yes / 1
ISSN 21 Text Yes / 2
UPC_EAN 22 Text Yes / 2 Yes / 1
SUBJECT1 23 Text (LIST) Yes Yes / 3
SUBJECT2 24 Text (LIST) Yes Yes / 3 Yes / 2
SUBJECT3 25 Text (LIST) Yes Yes / 3 Yes / 2
SUBJECTS 26 Memo Yes Yes / 3 Yes / 2
NOTES 27 Memo Yes Yes / 4 Yes / 2
SUMMARY 28 Memo Yes / 4
IMAGE 29 Text Yes / 5
CUSTOM1 30 Text Yes / 5
CUSTOM2 31 Text Yes / 5
CUSTOM3 32 Text Yes / 5
CUSTOM4 33 Text Yes / 5
CUSTOM5 34 Date Yes / 5
CUSTOM6 35 Numeric Yes / 5
CUSTOM7 36 Text Yes / 5
CUSTOM8 37 Memo Yes / 5
CUSTOM9 38 Memo Yes / 5
PRINT 39 Text Restricted


Handy Library Manager
regular version
Handy Library Manager
prison version

field name

field position

entry type



Add/Edit Form
Included / Page #

Add/Edit Form
Included / Page # / New Name

ID 1 Unique Restricted Yes / 6 Yes / 3
IDNO 2 Unique Restricted Yes Yes / 6 Yes / 3
BARCODE 3 Unique Restricted Yes Yes / 6 Yes / 3
CALL 4 Text Yes / 6 Yes / 3
VOLUME 5 Text Yes / 6
LOAN_TYPE 6 Text (LIST) Yes / 6
COPY_NOTES 7 Text Yes / 6 Yes / 3
LOCATION 8 Text Yes / 6 Yes / 3
CONDITION 9 Text Yes / 6 Yes / 3
PURCHASED 10 Date Yes / 7 Yes / 3
PRICE 11 Numeric Yes / 7 Yes / 3
REPLACE_COST 12 Numeric Yes / 7
EVALUATED 13 Date Yes / 7
VALUE 14 Numeric Yes / 7
ACQUISITION 15 Date Yes / 7
DONATEDBY 17 Text Yes / 7
INMEMORYOF 18 Text Yes / 7
DONATED 19 Date Yes / 7
DATE_ADDED 20 Date Restricted Yes / 7 Yes / 3
LOANED 21 Text Restricted Yes / 7 Yes / 3
STATUS 22 Text Restricted Yes / 8
INVENTORY 23 Text Restricted Yes / 8
AUDIT 24 Text Restricted Yes / 8
MISSING 25 Text Restricted Yes / 8
PRINT_C 26 Memo Restricted Yes / 8
USER1 27 Text Yes / 8
USER2 28 Memo Yes / 8
KIT_ID 29 Unique Restricted
KIT_ID_LOAN 30 Unique Restricted


Handy Library Manager
regular version
Handy Library Manager
prison version

field name

field position

entry type



Add/Edit Form
Included / Page #

Add/Edit Form
Included / Page # / New Name

DATE_ADDED 1 Date Restricted Yes / 1 Yes / 1
BOR_IDNO 2 Unique Restricted Yes Yes / 1 Yes / 1
NAME 3 Text Yes Yes / 1 Yes / 1
BARCODE 4 Text Restricted Yes Yes / 1 Yes / 1
TYPE 5 Text (LIST) Yes Yes / 1 Yes / 1
STATUS 6 Text Restricted Yes Yes / 1 Yes / 1
EXPIRY 7 Date Yes / 1 Yes / 1
ADDRESS1 8 Text Yes / 1 Yes / 1 / COMMENT
ADDRESS2 9 Text Yes / 1 Yes / 1 / USER_1
CITY 10 Text Yes Yes / 1 Yes / 1 / LOCATION
STATE 11 Text Yes Yes / 1 Yes / 1 / UNIT
ZIP 12 Text Yes Yes / 1 Yes / 1 / COMPLEX
PHONE 13 Text Yes / 1
CELL 14 Text Yes / 1
EMAIL 16 Text Yes / 1
COMMENTS 18 Memo Yes / 2
NOTES 20 Memo Yes / 2
CUSTOM1 23 Text Yes / 1
CUSTOM2 24 Text Yes / 3
CUSTOM3 25 Text Yes / 3
CUSTOM4 26 Text Yes / 3
CUSTOM5 27 Date Yes / 3
CUSTOM6 28 Date Yes / 3
CUSTOM7 29 Numeric Yes / 3
CUSTOM8 29 Numeric Yes / 3
CUSTOM9 30 Memo Yes / 3
PRINT 31 Unique Restricted

Help buttons link to help topics installed on the computer.

Library Main Catalogue table:
Add/Edit form has only three data entry/display pages; there are 26 data fields out of 69 (regular version).

Borrowers table:
Add/Edit form has only 1 data entry/display page; there are 12 data fields out of 31(regular version).

Web Auto-Cataloging by ISBN is not displayed (hidden); We predefined Limited Access Settings.

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