Handy Library Manager
 for Windows

Help, how to topics > Reservations > Manage Reservations

Manage Reservations.

In the Manage Reservations window, you can:

  • Display all reservations, including active, inactive, or old ones.
  • View all reservations for a selected library item.
  • Check all reservations for a specific library member.
  • Access current and future reservations (some libraries refer to this as bookings).
  • Define flexible views that show reserved items in advance.
  • Print reports for individual records or groups of records.
  • Print or email reservation notices.
  • Delete or edit reservations.
  • And more.

open library manage reservation window

Accessing Reservations: Click on "Manage Reservations".

library display active reservations

You will see all reservation transactions displayed.

library, display not active reservations

Viewing Active Reservations: Click on "Show/Active" to view only active reservations. A reservation is considered active when the "RESERVEDUNTIL" date is assigned and is greater than or equal to today's date.

Notification Options: You can print or email reservation notices as needed.

Automatic Activation: Reservations are activated automatically. The system sets the activation based on the reservation date when the reserved item is checked in.

Updating Reservations: The activation status of a selected item is updated whenever you delete or edit a reservation in either the Manage Reservations or Edit/View Reservations windows.

Future Reservations: If a reservation is set for the future (meaning the "RESERVEDON" date is greater than today), it will become active the same number of days ahead as specified by the "DAYS" count. For example, if a reservation is set to be active for 7 days, it will be activated 7 days before the "RESERVEDON" date.

library, display not active reservations

Viewing Not Active Reservations: To view reservations that are not active, click "Show/Not Active". Reservations are not active when items are loaned out, or when the reservation date ("RESERVEDON") is set for a future date.

library, display old reservations

Viewing Old Reservations: Click "Show/Old" to view old reservations. Reservations are classified as old when the "RESERVEDON", "AVAILABLEFROM," and "RESERVEDUNTIL" dates are all less than today’s date (indicating that the reservation was active but the patron did not check out the item).

Managing Old Reservations: You can review old reservations or use the "Delete Displayed Records" option found on the Miscellaneous tab.

library, display reservations for one library member

Combining Search Options: You can combine the show options with search features to display all, active, not active, or old reservations for a selected item or member.

Advanced Search Features: The Advanced Search offers unlimited flexibility for displaying and processing reservations. For instance, if you manage a specialized library with many future reservations, you can easily process reserved items in advance of the "RESERVEDON" date.

print, email reservation notices

Customizing Notification Messages: Sample reservation notices can be customized. To do this, navigate to Options, select the Email Options tab, and click "Edit Notification Messages".

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