Handy Library Manager
 for Windows

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How to update library item information from the web? (v3.0)

The Web Update feature automatically updates an item's information from the web. To utilize this feature, you need to provide the ISBN, UPC, or ISS numbers. These numbers must be present in one of the item's data fields. Usually, you will use ISBN.

The update feature lets you update library catalog data in the Main Library database (update existing records) or in the Library New database when you enter new items and get them ready before you move them to the main catalog.

find item to be updated

Find the item that you would like to update (1).

Click Edit (2).

update book data from the web

Select the search type. If you want to update the book information use "ISBN-Book" search type (1).

Select the field that stores ISBN number (2). The number from this field (2a) will be used by the search script. It is supposed to be a valid number.

Select the Search Site (3). You can select more than one search site. It will continue the search until the positive result.

Click Web Search (4) to start the search.

update book data, web search result, status

Review the web search status line (1).

Information window displays the list of data fields that will be updated (2).

In this case the search found AUTHOR and FORMAT information.

Click OK to close (3).

update book data, web search, repeat search

You can repeat the search with another search site.

In this case the search found PAGES.

save updated book data from the web

To save the updated information click Save & Close.

To abort changes click Close.

Question: Is there a way I can update books data in the system? I just want to update author and publisher information?

Question: We want to update some books with information that is listed in the Library of Congress. I would like to list authors in the form that are listed in the LofC. How to do that?

If an item is listed in the Library of Congress, you can remove the author value in the record, and the update feature will refresh the field. The update feature only updates empty fields.

Question: Is there a way of updating the catalog records (like importing updates from the Library of Congress) without having to physically re-enter subject listings and summary information? In my previous library software, I could find the item in the LOC and import it over the existing catalog record -- made it easy to add subject listings and summaries.

The Handy Library version 3.0 now supports the ability to upgrade record information using either ISBN or LCCN.

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