Handy Library Manager
 for Windows

  Help, how to topics > Add Data > How to enter many copies, how to enter 20 or more textbooks?

How do you enter many copies? How do you enter many textbooks?

This help topic provides instructions on how to add multiple copies of a book to the library catalog and print barcode labels for them. Specifically, it explains how to add 20 copies of a textbook that is already listed in the catalog and generate new barcode labels for these copies.

  • Find the text book using ISBN or Title search.
  • Verify item information in the View.
  • Click Add in the Copies section.

  1. Enter number of copies into Number Of Copies box.
  2. Click Save.

The program creates a unique barcode value for each copy.

  1. Verify the number of copies.
  2. Each new copy has a Print Copy Marker ON.

  1. Select predefined View: Copy Print Marker Checked.
  2. The table of contents lists all copies with the Print Copy Marker ON.

  1. Select predefined Barcode Label template.

  1. Review labels and print them.

  1. Click with the right mouse button on the copies section to display popup menu.
  2. Select Clear Print Copy Marker For All Copies.

Question: Can I manage my textbook library with your library software?

Answer: Yes, you can efficiently manage your textbook library with our Handy Library Manager. One of the standout features is the "enter many copies" option, which allows you to quickly add multiple copies of the same textbook to your catalog. Each copy will be assigned a unique barcode number, making it easy to track and manage your inventory. With this tool, you can enhance the organization of your textbook library.<
school textbook management system

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