Handy Library Manager
 for Windows

Help, how to topics > Circulations (check in, check out, reserve, renew) > How to check an item out manually (use lookup)?

Lookup, search options.

There are two lookup procedures:

1. Find and select the item and/or borrower using item TITLE and borrower NAME drop-down boxes. Fast selection is executed by entering the borrower's or item's name first letters or using standard scrolling features of the drop-down list boxes.
- feature added in version 2.4, you can upgrade Handy Library Upgrade
- Item Lookup and Patron Lookup

2. Find and select the item and borrower using search feature. The Check-in/Check-out window provides a Search feature, which can assist you in finding a borrower or a book. You can search for borrowers using various data fields such as Name, Barcode, Phone, Email, Zip, and Address1. You can search for library items based on their Title, Author, Category, and ISBN. To begin your search, enter your search text and click the Search button. Once you locate what you want, click the Select button to choose the borrower or item.

2. Find and select the item and borrower using search feature.

  1. Click the Lookup tab.
  2. Enter part of the name in the Text to Find box.
  3. Click Search.
  4. Double click on the borrower in the list, or select the borrower and click Select.
  5. The borrower is selected.

  1. Click the Lookup tab.
  2. Enter part of the title in the Text to Find box.
  3. Click Search.
  4. Double click on the item in the list, or select the item and click Select.
  5. The item is selected.
  6. Click Check Out to loan the item.

  1. The checked out item is added to the Active Loans table.
  2. Selected item changes the Status to Checked Out and decreases the Copies Available number by one.
  3. The borrower's Loans number increases by one.
  4. For the selected borrower you can repeat the check out transaction using the Lookup.
  5. You can click Print Receipt to print a receipt.

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