Handy Library Manager
 for Windows

Help, how to topics > Check In/Out > How to customize check out transaction receipt ?

How to customize check out transaction receipt ?

Handy Library Management system creates automatically check out receipts. They are in the following form:

You can customize the library receipt.

Custom receipt is defined in the prt_receipt.txt file.

Handy Library checks if there is a receipt file (prt_receipt.txt) in the data folder (C:\handy_lib\data\db\), if yes then custom receipt is created, if the file is not present the regular receipt is created.

Note: custom receipt allows to print only one checked out item on the receipt.

Download the prt_receipt.txt file, modify it, and save it in the data folder (C:\handy_lib\data\db\).

Use keywords:
<LIBRARY:TITLE> library main items table + item field name
<LIB_COPIES:BARCODE> copies table + copy field name
<BORROWERS:NAME> borrowers table + borrower field name
<LOAN:LOANDATE> loan transaction table + loan field name

Keywords in the form are replaced with data from the check out transaction.

Question: Add text to check out receipt. We need to add a disclaimer and signature field to the check out report so it can be printed and have the borrower sign it. Where can I enter this information?

Answer: Review instructions how to create a custom receipt.

Question: Can you change paper size for loan receipt?
Where do you change content on the receipt?

Answer: You can change the paper size in the Window's Print Setup window, in the paper/size section. How to change the content of the receipt?

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