Handy Library Manager
 for Windows

Help, how to topics > Library Patrons > Library membership expiry date.

Library Membership Expiry Date

You can set the membership period for patrons. This feature is optional.

In the patron record, specify the expiry date.

You can generate reports for "expired patrons" or those "about to expire".

The due date for checked-out items is always compared to the expiry date. A warning message will be displayed when the due date for these items falls after the expiry date. Additionally, expired members will receive warning messages if they attempt to borrow an item.

library membership expiry date

In the Borrower Edit window select the expiry date from the calendar.

warning messages for expired library members

Warning messages are displayed for expired members when they are trying to loan the item(s).

Your explanation to my last question was perfect. Thanks! Another question to which I could not find the answer on your website or in the manual is: How do you flag expired memberships and block them from borrowing and reactivate them once dues are paid?

When dues are not paid, you can temporarily change the borrower's status to suspended. You can also set the expiry date and renew the entry after the membership payment.

How to Set the Membership Expiry Date?
When are warning messages displayed for expired members?

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