Handy Library Manager
 for Windows

Help, how to topics > Library Users > How to move borrowers to the Old Borrowers table?

How to move borrower records to the Old Borrowers table?

To transfer borrower records to the BORROWERS_OLD table, you can either move a single borrower or all borrowers currently displayed in the Borrowers table.

You can remove graduated students, suspended borrowers, or inactive members from the BORROWERS table in one transaction. However, you cannot delete or move a borrower record if that borrower has outstanding (not returned) items. Before moving a borrower, you must first process any check-in transactions.

Please note that when you move or delete a borrower record, all of that borrower’s loan transactions will also be deleted by the program.

move borrowers to old borrowers table

How to move Grade 4 students to the Old Borrowers table?

  • Open the Borrowers table.
  • There are 155 students in the library system from grade 1 to grade 4.

move borrowers, define search
  • Click the Advanced Search tab and define the search query. The CUSTOM1 data field stores the grade value. We will try to move all grade 4 students to the Old Borrowers table in this example.
  • Select CUSTOM1, choose "Contains", enter "Grade 4", click Include, and then click the Search button.
  • In the search result, there are 25 grade 4 students.

move borrowers, transfer grade 4 students
  • Click the Move Borrowers tab, select "All Borrowers", and click the Move Borrowers button. The application moves all displayed records to the Old Borrowers table.

move borrowers, confirm action
  • If you move or delete the borrower record, the program deletes all borrowers' loan transactions.

move borrowers, result
  • The borrowers' table does not display any students on the grid because the search is active.
  • To deactivate the search, click Clear.

move borrowers, check the number
  • Review the record numbers.
  • There were 155 students, 25 students from grade 4, and now we have 130 students.

move borrowers, error message

You cannot delete or move a borrower record if the borrower has outstanding (not returned) items. Before moving the borrower, you have to process check-in transactions.

How do I delete borrowers? The Eighth grade graduated in June 2017 and I want to remove their names as well as some other children who have transferred to other schools. I will do this later in the school year.

To display only Eighth grade students, define an advanced search. Click on Miscellaneous, then click Delete All Borrowers. The system will delete only the displayed borrowers. Before executing Delete All, create a backup of your library databases.
backup of your library databases

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