You cannot delete or move a borrower's record if the borrower has outstanding items that have not been returned.
Please process the check-in transactions. If you delete or move the borrower record, all of the borrower's loan transactions will also be deleted.
How to move loan transactions to OLD_LOANS?
How to delete or move borrowers?
Moved records are listed in BORROWERS_OLD table.
You can move back all or selected borrowers to BORROWERS table. Old borrower's check in-out transactions will not be reactivated in LOAN table.
How do I delete borrowers? The Eighth grade graduated in June 2017 and I want to remove their names as well as
some other children who have transferred to other schools. I will do this later in the school year.
To display only eighth-grade students, define an advanced search. Click on Miscellaneous,
then select Delete All Borrowers. The system will delete only the displayed borrowers.
Before executing Delete All, create a backup of your library databases.
backup of your library databases.
I deleted an item but didn't realize it was still checked out to a patron. I would like to
return the item so that it doesn't appear the patron still has possession. If the item can't be
reinstated, is there a way to delete the patron along with the item?
Please update to the latest version of our Handy Library Manager. The issue has been
resolved: the library system now prevents the deletion of items or borrowers from
the database if there are unfinished transactions (i.e., items not returned or
borrowers still have items checked out).
Hi I am trying to delete all of the loaded student names without having to delete one at a time and upload an updated file, how can I do this?
Open the Borrowers window. In the Miscellaneous tab, use the delete command to remove the desired entry.
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