The Borrowers table gives you quick access to all your library members. You can review information about your patrons, add and edit data, print ID cards, print member tags, check the status, send messages, or define and run reports.
The Add feature supports manual data entry. Use this command when you plan to enter a small number of patrons. To process bulk data entry, use the Borrowers New table.
In the Library Administrator, click Borrowers.
Notes: if the borrower has an ID card with a barcode, enter or scan it into the BARCODE field. If you leave it empty the program will create a unique barcode value.
Notes: if the borrower has an ID card with a barcode, enter or scan it into the BARCODE field. If you leave it empty the program will create a unique barcode value.
Related Question: At the school library where I work we empty out the student patron database at the end of the school year. Is there a way to do this using Handy? Empty seems to happen on all the databases, including the inventory catalog, at once.
On the Miscellaneous tab in the Borrowers window click Delete All Borrowers. All displayed records will be deleted. You cannot delete a borrower if there are some outstanding (not returned) items.
Question: Is there a way to delete students from the system once they have graduated? I know I can suspend them, but I would like to remove them from the list when a student is selecting their name. I do know our current version is outdated. I am working to get that updated.
Answer: Check the version number of the software. Versions 3.0 and up support the deletion of patrons. In the Borrowers table, you can define the advanced search that displays only graduated students. Then, execute the Delete command (Miscellaneous Tab-Delete).
Question: Is it possible to group patrons by class/teacher? I don't see an option to do that, so I've just changed a customer field to designate the student's grade. It would help a lot if we were able to group by Teacher or Class.
Answer: There are some additional data fields in the Borrowers table. You can decide how to use them. For example, use CUSTOM2 to store the teacher's name and CUSTOM3 to enter the class. You can rename those fields in the Options. Finally, you can display them on the grid and use them in the sort definition.
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