Handy Library Manager
 for Windows

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Library Data Audit Trail

The Handy Library Manager maintains a log of actions related to library data. The log database captures the following information: date, time, computer name, computer IP address, operation category (such as create, delete, edit, backup, restore, move), table name, and general notes.

how to access data log file

On the Edit/View Tables tab, click Log.

review data change transactions

The Log database records the following information:

  • action date, action time
  • computer name, computer IP address
  • operation category: create new record, delete record(s), edit record, backup library database, restore library database, move record(s)
  • table name
  • notes (includes record ID number)
  • Starting from version 4.0, the LOG records title + author or borrower name + barcode in the NOTES.

Upon request, we can customize the audit trail feature and save more information.

Is there Data Audit Trail / Logging?

The handy library manager keeps a record of information about various actions.

Question: Someone mistakenly deleted some items from the database. Is there any way review a log or report of recent user actions? We know about when it happened, but it would be helpful to see what was actually deleted.

There is a LOG table available where you can review the deletion transactions for the LIBRARY table.

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