Handy Library Manager
 for Windows

.. > Library backup, restore, maintenance. > How to empty library databases?

Empty library databases.

Handy Library Manager allows you to delete all data records from all library tables (library catalog, borrowers, loan transaction). The command does not delete tables.

empty library database

On the Maintenance tab, click Empty Library.

empty library, warning message

This function is dangerous. It will erase all records from all tables in the selected library.

Use this feature after evaluation period. Handy Library Manager installs with sample records, after testing the program use the empty library command and start your library data entry and management from the beginning.

empty library database, no data

No records.

Question: There were 8 titles already listed in the handy library software when I loaded our software. They are not our books but the system will not let me delete them because it says they have a loan history. How do I get rid of these titles and organize my small school library?

Answer: You can't delete item or borrower If there are active loans (not returned items). Process check in transactions and then delete sample records. You can also use Empty Library command, it will delete all data. Use this command if you did not enter your data. audiovisuals library template

Question: At the school library where I work we empty out the student patron database at the end of the school year. Is there a way to do this using Handy? Empty seems to happen on all the databases, including the inventory catalog, at once.

Answer: Do not use Empty Library, it will delete records from all tables. Delete borrowers in the Borrowers window.

Question: How are we able to get rid of the information that's already in so we can start fresh?

Answer: Use Empty Library.

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