Handy Library Manager
 for Windows

.. > Library backup, restore, maintenance. > How to reset table IDs?

Reset library IDs.

ID numbers are unique identifiers assigned to each record. They increase incrementally. If you delete all records in the table or use the empty library command, you can reset ID values to new initial values.

reset library IDs

On the Maintenance tab, click Reset IDs.

Only IDs for empty tables can be reset. It is best to reset IDs before you start to enter any data.

It is rarely necessary to use this function. You cannot reset IDs for those tables that already have some records. Only IDs for empty tables can be reset.

LIB_COPIES "ID" field is used to create automatic item barcodes.
BORROWERS BOR_IDNO field is used to create automatic patron barcodes.

Were do we set the default start from bar code number?

If you have already entered library items, the program will not allow you to change the automatically generated barcode numbers. For a new library, you can perform the following actions:
- Test library features
- Run an Empty Library
- Reset database IDs
- Set the initial number in the LIB_COPIES box.
- Empty Library

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