Handy Library Manager
 for Windows

Help, how to topics > Library items > Lost items table.

Old, lost items table.

The Handy Library Manager software, version 4.4 and above, now includes a new feature for managing missing and lost items.

You can move library items from the library main catalog to the library lost items table.

  1. Select the lost item in the main inventory database (1).
  2. Click Move (2).

  1. Click Edit/View Table tab.
  2. Click Library - Lost Items.

  1. Lost items table.
  2. Check number of lost items.
  3. Print cost summary reports for lost items.

Question: Can you please tell me if it is possible to make an item that has been lost not lost anymore? I cannot find how to do that. Please also give me directions on how to make it not lost if possible.

Answer: To transfer items from the LIBRARY_LOST table to the main library catalog, follow these steps: 1. Select the record in the LIBRARY_LOST table. 2. Click on the "Move Items" tab. 3. Click on "Move Item." This process will create a new entry for the item, complete with a new barcode and a new record ID. After that, either scan the barcode label into the BARCODE data field or print a new barcode label.

Question: When I follow the instructions in the tutorial, it says to locate the item, then in window on lower right click the 'lost' button. There is no 'lost' button on my screen, only 'move'. If I click this it says it says I need to check in the item first.

Answer: The message indicates that the item is currently loaned out and has not been returned. You cannot delete or move this item until it is checked in. First, process the check-in transaction before deleting or moving it.

Question: I have 2 books that were lost. How can i delete them from my library?

Answer: First, mark the book as "Missing," then transfer it to the Lost Items table.

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