Handy Library Manager
 for Windows

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What is Structured Query Language (SQL), how to define SQL statements?

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard programming language used for managing relational database systems, such as our library database. SQL statements enable you to retrieve data from a database.

In our Advanced Search feature, you can easily and quickly create search queries without needing to know SQL.

1. Click on **Advanced Search**.
2. Define your search condition: select a data field, choose a condition, and enter the condition value.
3. Click **Include**. The search condition will be added to the **Search Condition** box.
4. Repeat the steps above to define additional conditions.
5. Click **Search** to execute the query.
6. Click **Save** to save the search conditions for future use.

Our library's Advanced Search feature provides an interface that allows you to define simple search conditions. For more complex searches, it is easier to enter the search conditions directly into the Search Condition box. Below, we list some examples of library searches that utilize SQL functions and ready-to-use statements. If you have any questions about defining other useful searches or queries, please feel free to contact us.

The CURRENT_DATE function returns the current date value. You can use this function with other date fields in the library database to compare the item DATE_ADDED value with the CURRENT_DATE. This allows you to display library items that were added today, yesterday, or within the last week or month.

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