Before attempting to delete or move library items, please review the following help topic.
You cannot delete or move items that are currently checked out. To proceed with deleting or moving items, you must first process check-in transactions for all items you wish to modify.
Decide what you want to do with old loan transactions. When item is removed from the main library catalog all item's old loan transactions will be deleted.
How to move old loans?
How to delete/move library items?
Open LIBRARY_LOST table.
Moved records are listed in LIBRARY_LOST table.
You can move back all or selected items to LIBRARY table.
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How to mark the disposal items? Disposal Items means there are some books in the main library will be deleted because they are out-dated, however,
we do not want to classify to Lost Items, so is there any Disposal Items are for us to put all those books?
How do I remove lost or no longer wanted after inventory? I want to do and inventory and remove lost or no longer needed books from our library and data base. What is the easiest way to do this. Please review above topic. Please review above topic. We have created a step by step guide on how to process library inventory/audit.
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I do need to know where how to remove a book or books from catalog we no longer have.
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Deleting bunch of records; I imported a bunch of records and did not look through them thoroughly.
Want to delete (about 8,000 records) only or empty out the catalogue and start all
over again. I do not see the tutorial on either selecting a group of records to delete or
cleaning house!
In the Miscellaneous tab, you will find the option to Delete All, which removes all displayed (selected)
library records. Alternatively, you can use the Empty Library feature.
Related Question:
I would like to delete the test entries (so they don't show up on my lists and I don't print labels for them),
but it won't let me delete them because they have circulation history. I tried to figure out how to delete
the circulation history, but was not able to. Can you suggest what I should do?
Process the check in/out
transaction in the check-in/out window or the manage loans window. Delete any test entries.
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Delete a book that is no longer in the library. How do you delete a book that we are discarding,
that has a history of being borrowed? How do you remove a borrower who is no longer with
the library but has taken out several books in the past?
Process the check-in transaction for the outstanding loan in Manage Loans.
Remove the item from the library catalog. Related topic:
How to remove a borrower?
How to delete more than one book at a time, say, 40.
Use a print marker to flag records. Next, apply an advanced search filter to display records
with the a print marker set to ON. Finally, utilize the Delete feature to remove all currently displayed records.
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