Handy Library Manager
 for Windows

Help, how to topics > Auto-catalogue, Import > Not found items? How to find ISBN, ASIN, UPC, OCLC, LCCN, BL SN numbers and use auto-cataloging?

Search Library of Congress or Amazon

If our auto cataloging feature, search by ISBN, does not return results:
-there is a book with a different ISBN (there is a different edition of the book)
-error in the ISBN entry
-the book is not listed
Open to the book web search in your browser and search by title and author. Then, look for the ISBN, ASIN, BLSYS, or other numbers and use them in our auto-cataloging procedure.

Amazon Book Search Catalog (find ISBN or ASIN):

  1. search by title + author: open and search Amazon Book Catalog
  2. display detail page
  3. look for ISBN or ASIN number
  4. use this number in our program's auto cataloging feature.
  5. ISBN, ASIN codes use with book search. ASIN, UPC codes use with movie/cd search.

click on the image to test: first find isbn number, second use auto catalog

Library Of Congress Online Catalog (find ISBN or LCCN):

  1. search Library Of Congress Online Catalog
  2. display detail page
  3. look for ISBN or LCCN number
  4. use this number in our program's auto cataloging feature.
  5. ISBN, LCCN numbers use with book search. LCCN code use with movie/cd search.
first find isbn, lccn number, second copy and paste, then use auto catalog

How to find a book's British Library system number?

  1. How to add the book data from the British Library?

WorldCar.org Online Catalog (find ISBN, OCLC)

  1. November, 2022: we do not support WorldCat search
  2. search WorldCat.org Catalog
  3. display detail page
  4. look for ISBN or OCLC number
  5. use this number in our program's auto cataloging feature.
  6. ISBN, OCLC codes use with book search. OCLC numbers use with movie/cd search.

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