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How to print grouped report where each group starts on a new page? (v3.0)

You can generate reports that group data by specific fields, such as category, author, or subject. In our reports, you have the option to print each group on separate pages.

grouped report, each group on a new page

To group records, select a data field in the "Group By" box (1).

In this instance, we will group the records by the member's unique barcode number (B_BARCODE).

If you want to start a new page before displaying the new group, choose the "New Page After Group" option (2).

In this example, overdue items are organized by each student's barcode number.

This arrangement allows us to incorporate the student data in the report header.

Items that are loaned to an individual student are listed below the header and displayed on a separate page.

In this example, books are organized by series. Each series of books is displayed on its own page.

How to print overdue items report by teacher (class)? Overdue items by class, grade, teacher, print groups on separate pages; those reports are sent to classes.

To print overdue items organized by teacher, you must include teacher information in the transaction. Then, generate the overdue report by grouping the items using the field that contains teacher data.

How to create a "grouped by" report. How to define a group header section. How to define the report title.

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