Handy Library Manager
 for Windows

.. > Print Labels > Item and Copy Print Markers, how to use them?

.. > Print Reports > Item and Copy Print Markers, how to use them?

Item and Copy Print Markers, how to use them?

Librarians have the flexibility to select and process various groups of library items using PRINT and PRINT_COPY markers. You can utilize these print markers in the following situations:

  1. To print barcode labels for new items that have been added today.
  2. To print spine labels for call numbers that have been recently modified.
  3. To print a report listing items that have been added today.

How to use print marker (print spine labels sample)?
How to use "print marker" in the "borrowers" table?

item print marker commands

You can include the PRINT and PRINT_C columns in the grid. To set a print marker, right-click on the selected item and choose "Set Print Marker" from the popup menu.

display items with print marker

To process all marked items, define a search or filter. If you apply the filter PRINT = "Y," all marked items will be displayed and ready for processing.

copy print marker, popup menu

For marked copies, right-click on the selected copy and select "Set Print Marker" from the popup menu.

To process all marked copies, define a search or filter. Applying the filter PRINT_C = "Y" will display all marked copies, making them ready for processing.

You can find the Print Marker commands listed in the Miscellaneous section.

Print Marker commands are available in the Add/Edit Item window.

Print Copy Marker commands are listed in the Add/Edit Copy window.

Handy Library Manager automatically assigns PRINT_C value in the following situations:

  1. New library items, without bar code values, are moved from the NEW_LIBRARY table to main library catalogue. In this situation Handy Library assigns automatically new unique bar code numbers. PRINT_C marker is set to Y. Librarians can easily display new items and print bar code or spine labels.
  2. New library items, with bar codes, are moved from the NEW_LIBRARY table to main library catalogue. The program checks for duplicate bar code values. If there is a duplicate the new number is assigned. In this case PRINT_C marker is set to Y.

My question pertains to when I make a copy for an item record, and the automatic default for the system is to select the Print Copy Marker function. It'll show a Y (yes) in the column for this function, and I would like to learn more about what this function really means, as in if I should continue to allow it to automatically default to selecting this upon creating a copy.

In certain situations, the Print Copy marker is automatically set to YES. This feature allows users to filter, search, and display "recently added" items.

I only need to print specific labels. Not an entire section or scope. Many of the books have working barcodes already, I only need to print codes that the software generated (starting with L typically). We're adding new books to our existing library; so many books in the system are labelled already. I need to select specific books and add to the label template.

If you cannot define the advanced search to display your group of records for printing, you can set the print marker for each record and use it to filter those records before processing them.

I have only managed to create genre labels and put them on each book's spine and then group them together by grade level (indicated with a designated color sticker on the spine) within each genre. After adding barcodes, I plan to enter each book's grade level and genre into the system to help other library volunteers locate books.

Process one group at a time, focusing on genre and grade level. To locate a book, use the barcode or a portion of the title. Instead of entering values for genre and grade level, simply activate the PRINT marker. Use the search function to display records that have the PRINT marker. Finally, utilize the search and replace feature to input the genre and grade level values for the displayed records. search/replace feature

Is it possible to select labels that have already been created to replace damaged labels? Can I select multiple Items added at different times and congregate them to print on one sheet all at the same time?

Set markers for "Print" and/or "Print Copy" for modified items or copies. Use advanced search or predefined views to select records for processing.

If I want to print spine labels for a group of books, is there a way I can check them off to include them. I have enough that would fill several label pages, but don't see how I select them.

Use PRINT or PRINT_COPY markers to select a book. Display books where the print marker is set to Y. Print labels for the selected items.

I have a list of specific barcodes of books that I am trying to run a report on. We are moving half our collection to another location, so I am supposed to pull a report that has only the books we have selected by barcodes to be moved. How do I run a report using barcodes + titles that have been specifically selected so we can easily reference it and change location?

Use a copy print marker to flag items that are scheduled for moving. Use the advanced search feature to display only marked items. Utilize the print report function, select the data fields, and print the report.

Reprint more than one label not in order. I am trying to reprint more than one label. How do I select certain labels to reprint without having to print all?

You can utilize the Print Copy marker. After marking all records, select "View Copy Print Marker Checked" to reprint labels for the selected items.

What are the steps to select specific records to print labels? We have the books added into the system, but am not seeing how we can go in and say, print labels for only those items selected. How do you select specific records or a range of items.

The topic above explains how to select records that are not in order, focusing on random record selection. It also discusses how to print labels for new items using the DATE_ADDED field and how to select records based on either DATE_ADDED or ID. How to print labels for new items (use DATE_ADDED)?
How to select records using DATE_ADDED or ID?

Print selected barcodes; Windows 11; How do I print barcodes for selected items not added today?

Review instructions on how to use a copy print marker.

It would be very helpful to be able to clear PRINT_C as easily as you can clear PRINT, since PRINT_C is automatically assigned to newly added items. On the Miscellaneous tab, there is currently the option to clear PRINT marker. I have not found any way to clear PRINT_C marker other than to use the Replace function.

In the "Copy" section, right-click to display a popup menu. Select the "Clear All Print Copy Markers" command. In Handy Library Manager version 4.4, you can find "Clear All Print Copy Markers" on the Miscellaneous tab. Handy Library Manager

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